Rose Bouquet Alyce

SKU 241


Shades may vary depending on season and availability. Roses arrive with guard petals. These guard petals are purposely left on the bud to provide additional protection for your roses during delivery, depending on weather conditions Gently remove them before you start arranging your flowers.

There are a few steps you need to follow before placing your roses in the vase. You will need to cut the stems at a 45-degree angle under running water, remove any excess leaves and prepare your vase with the right amount of water and floral preservative.

  • Rose Playa Blanca
  • Ecuadorian Roses

For more information click here

Our freshly picked flowers are delivered still in bud so you can enjoy them for longer. If they aren’t looking their best on arrival, they’re simply thirsty after their journey. Give them a drink, and they’ll perk up within 24 hours. It can take a day or two for your flowers to open up, but it’ll be quicker if you follow our 7 tips:

Clean your vase thoroughly. Any lingering bacteria will make your flowers wilt faster
Fill the vase two-thirds with fresh, lukewarm water and add your flower food. Top up the water the day after receiving your flowers, rather than changing it completely – this way, they benefit from the food for longer
Remove any foliage that will sit below the waterline to avoid build-up of debris. If your flowers include roses, you may notice some discoloured outer petals. These are guard petals, which protect the inner petals. Gently remove 2-3 guard petals to reveal these
Trim about 2-3cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. We recommend varying the stem length to give your arrangement a height range
Change the water regularly after the second day. Just like us, flowers love clean water
Keep your flowers out of direct sunlight to prolong their life
Remove any wilted flowers. Besides not looking as attractive, they can spread mould onto the others